Wednesday, July 21, 2010

county fair: year 3

the alameda county fair came to town again
3rd year we've attended
i can hardly believe that
but i also can hardly believe us not going.
the food? we look forward to it all year long.

brig was towed along in his big boy stroller
he pretty much enjoyed it... although i thought he might expire in the heat

snuggle boy at our snow cone pit stop
it really baffles me that this is the only place to get snow cones in california

then we found the race track!
we've always known they did horse racing but we've never gone over before

it was are first horse racing experience
and we liked it!

we plopped ourselves down, in the shade, to watch a few heats

see i was there that day!
jon and cass met up with us as the races then cruised around the park with us
i do have pictures of them, but they didn't turn out so great :(

if i was a betting woman, this was the horse i would bet on, 
 he took 2nd :(
which is better than nate's whose took last :)

in between the horses they would have doggies race. they were hilarious and i'm confident redford would smoke all those silly canines. he just might have to be enrolled for next year :)
and in between the doggies we smooshed brig who continually whaled whenever the announcer came on the loud speaker.
yes, i have a very scared boy

the weirdest part of the fair this year?
no, not the fact that we were there for 6 hours (yeesh)
the fact that brig was in my belly this time last year
even if i didn't know it yet :)


Eileen said...

I love Brig's chubby cheeks, very kissable!

Pam said...

STOP!!! He is just too dang cute. Miss you like CRAZY! XOXO