Sunday, July 1, 2012

Chill baby

Oh my Dexy boy whenever I see this picture I just laugh but it perfectly captures you.
Happy chill baby.
You don't cry, you occasionally squawk.
You have been so easy to take places.
You don't love you car seat, but love your baby sling.
And as long as your laying next to me, you'll sleep endlessly.

This chair constitutes your safe chair in our house.
It got placed on the kitchen island the day you came home as the only place big brother couldn't reach or gain access to you and it remains there today.
It's lovely because I can cook, do dishes, eat meals all with you happily lounging at eye level.
Then when you get sick of the chair, I put you in the sling which you really just can't help but fall asleep in :)

This is on your one month birthday.
Well, to be honest the day after cause I wasn't paying attention to the days.
Man 2 kids does that... but you still looked the same the next day :)
Your one month birthday also constituted my first weekend alone with you two boys.
Dad went off to New York and I had the real 2 kids test.
Can I just say how wonderful you are?
You anticipate difficult situations as a mom, calculate how you'll handle this or that, but there is always the unknown variable (hunger, poopy diaper, no reason crying). I was anticipating 2 difficult situations for this weekend. Bedtime and Church. You my son, did great and rarely have an unknown variable. You happily lay by brother while we put him to bed, and you lovingly slept all 3 hours of church. 
It was after this weekend I feel like I officially got my mother of two wings.
You are so easy going. With you we can go and do just about anything.

I tried weighing you at the grocery store (despite all the sticky fruit remnants on the scale) and it seemed to think you were just about 10 pounds. 10 scrumptious pounds.
No smiles by one month but you sure make up for it in your sweet demeanor.
You eat fantastically, but it is a well known rule for me that vertical positions immediately after eating are a bad idea. 
You will spit just about everything back up, promptly. 
Otherwise all that milk stays put.

I still kiss this fuzzy head all the day long.
Happy one month birthday bug! 

Mother's Day 2012

There are so many pictures in this post, but it was just one of those days that goes down in the books as one of the happiest and I simply have something important to say about so much.
So here it goes.
Holidays are always new thing for us. Being away from family you make your own traditions and we keep trying to figure out what ours might be. What I wanted to do for Mother's Day weekend was spend time with my family. All four of us.
Nate picked the activity, so up to the fish farm we went.
It was a gorgeous summer day, you know the kind you get in May and you can just taste the real summer just around the corner. It was a long and beautiful drive in Northern California. Which means we got the mountains and vineyards and sometimes both on our drive. Nate managed to go the wrong way both on the way there and the way back but we were just enjoying our day so much we laughed about it. The fish farm was intimate an almost our own and really, Brig's sense of wonder at everything we did takes the cake for making a day wonderful.

We packed lunches and a blanket and camped out underneath a big pine.

Dad had a few dollars and got us a couple of ice cold sodas from the vending machine to share.
That constituted about the first 45 minutes of our visit.

I am loving Brig's stage in life right now. 
He is old enough to wonder and do things on his own and finally listens when we tell him he can't do something. Which makes pictures like this where mom and dad our lounging on the blanket while Brig roams. 

 Then Nate and Brig fished.
Nate gave Brig the pole.

Brig took the pole

 Brig caught a fish on the pole.
then.... he quickly dropped the pole and wouldn't let Nate give it to him again.
After the first fish said pole was used by Brig for prodding the very big frogs on the edges.

Brig wouldn't come closer than this to Nate while the fish was alive

Then Nate killed it and our favorite story of the day occurred.
After smashing the fishes head with plyers Nate took the fish to the water to rinse him off. Brig followed the whole while following Nate saying "He's sad" (a phrase he picked up the day brother got home) Nate's response to him was "No buddy, he's not sad, he's dead" 
Then we both started laughing.
One of those parenting moments where you go... probably a better way to say that but that's the truth.

Happy and unsure fishermen.

This bug slept. The whole outing.
After 5 hours I made Nate stop at a gas station so I could wake him up and change and feed him.
Like I've said. He's so easy!

Brig hated the fish when they were laying around, but once they got gutted and put on ice he carried those goods like the spoils they were.

 Me and this one on my mother's day weekend.

While Dad was cleaning out fish I took this one up on the hill and taught him how to roll down it.

He loved it, but if I didn't get him started he would do the funniest side roll, that wasn't rolling, the he totally thought was rolling.

I just couldn't help but laugh.

Oh how I love being a mother.
The best thing about this day was that I experienced all these fun things with Brig, you know first time type things, and I can't even say how lucky I feel that I get to do first timers all over again with Dex!
So please Dex, wait and let me teach you how to roll down a hill. 
I want to be the one to see that silly joy on your face.

*on a more historic note Mother's day marked my official entrance back into the world. We went to church, I resumed church callings, and now we are 4. For some reason going to church marks for me when I am ready to be back to normal.