Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Happy Moments

So very long ago these were taken but we look so happy in these pictures I need them to perk up my blog.
So belly was just barely 28 weeks in below photos and I am now 35 weeks (yikes)
Here is a quick update on our life the last few weeks.

Waiting. Frustrated. Excited. Anxious. Stressed. Waiting.

Those words sum it up for me. I know I had a very self-pitying no house post a few weeks ago AND we are now officially going to be remaining where we are for the time being. This final decision being made earlier this week and I now am feeling very good about this.
BUT 2 potential job paths for Nate; 2 offers on 2 beautiful houses; the delivery of my crib, stroller, and car seat (to my living room); and a new storage space has left me a little emotional and drained the last few weeks. I have come to realize you are not in control of your life and that that is okay and; one must be patient. This seems to be a lesson my Heavenly Father has deemed very important for me. I seem to recall a similar situation when Nate and I first were married. In my mind things are supposed to be a certain way and are supposed to go the way I have planned. I always thought I would have a house when I had a baby. Re-wiring my brain has been a little difficult but I think I am finally there. Yesterday was spent moving the unwanted furniture out and shuffling the wanted furniture around to make room for baby.
I feel 110% better already.
Just thought you should know :)


Pam said...

SOOOOO glad you are feeling better about things in general. And I am so excited for Baby B's arrival, Can't wait to meet the little Prince! XOXO

Hayden and Lisa said...

Oh beautiful pictures. Can you believe you are due in like 4 1/2 weeks!!! Ahhh!! How are you feeling physically?? Do you think you are gonna make it to your due date? I love you and hope things are going well for you guys!! xoxo

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

Oh my! Who took those pictures?