Friday, February 4, 2011


it's 1/10 the size of disneyland!

literally, it says that on the brochure.
it was fun.

i was a little stir crazy by saturday
i get that way when nate's gone for a weekend.
so saturday when he moseyed out of bed and off to the gym he knew he was in trouble
when he got home and i was sitting down in the shower he thought it a good time to let me know he planned a day for us.

it worked
we headed to the cutest little place in sonoma and met up with the cousins

it reminded me of a place we visited in colorado when i was little
tiny town.
honestly, i thought the place was cooler than disneyland.

brothers and babies
i really love the combination

the weather was not perfect, after a week of the mid-60's saturday decided to hit the 50's and drizzle
but you take what you can get

this girl is cute as a button.
and full of tricks, like kissing her cousin :)

jon and cass stole mckay for the day to join us
never was a cuter boy.
and 3 is simply magical.

the mini train takes you on a 1.5 mile track and stops in the middle at a "tiny town" that also has a petting zoo. i would have more pictures of the adorable "tiny town" but they only leave you there for 10 minutes and my dear animal lover of a husband ..
fed the animal.
the whole time. 

luckily i stole brig away and we got one cute shot of the kiddies in the jail

oh train town.... you were just what my week needed!
love, love,love family outings.
just wish they happened more often


MAEH said...

That looks awesome! I need to put that on places to go when I'm back in Cali! Brig is too cute!

Chatty Natty said...

I'm jealous of your crappy weather....ours really bites! Miss you!

Pam said...

So glad you got to do something know what they say...a change is as good as a rest. And we all know that Mommy's of little one's need a rest! We need to put Traintown on our list of "to do's" in Sanoma County. Brig is delicious and Cloe is adorable. Miss you! XOXO

Sissy said...

Looking forward to some cousin time with that little Briger ourselves... San Diego???