Tuesday, March 22, 2011

one whole year

he's one whole year now.
and i am so late posting this
but have been thinking about what i might say for days.

i love this boy to the end of the earth
he is {probably un-healthily} my life
i eat, sleep, breathe this boy
and have now for a year
after your grand old party {post to follow} i lay in bed, exhausted of course, but just couldn't stop thinking about that night one year before when i slept with you in my arms for this first time. that whole  night i kept thinking 'can i really be doing this' and waiting for someone to come in and tell me to put you down. no one did and i cherish all those nights you let me just hold you all night long. 
you won't allow that anymore. you are your own person now.
i love the person you are.
i whisper to you all the time "who are you going to be"
because i don't really know. i see glimpses of what you'll be like as a child, teenager, man. but they're just glimpses. i know when i'm old and gray you'll have been the same person all along but right now i am anxiously waiting. i will adore whoever you are. i say all the time i only want brig's. if we could choose the type of babies we got like ice cream flavors mine would of course be you. when i think of having another baby, it's a brig i'm thinking of. 
you'r not the biggest, or smartest, or happiest, or easiest baby i'm sure. but you are the most perfect and i only ever want you. 
but you're growing up. i see that. and i see you needing me less. i feel for my mom when we all started needing her less and less. 
so let's re-cap your first year.

your stats were:
weight 7 lbs 3 oz
height 20  in 

you are now:
height 29 1/2 in 40%
weight 21 lbs 8 oz 30%
head  99%

you were sick a bit this month and all the tricks you picked up in month 10-11 went down the drain. plus, your kinda a one-trick kinda guy. you learned "so big" and "how old is brig" then you learned "bye, bye" and it trumped  the other two and that is all you'd do. then you finally got clapping down and that trumped everything. now if we say "how big is brig" "so big" "bye, bye" we get a round of applause from you. it's really funny. you crawl but are still kinda slow, you pull yourself up but don't stand unassisted or take any steps. but sir, you are an aficionado at one thing in particular. eating. really your a wonder. you popped your front teeth last week bringing you to a total of 4 teeth yet you eat like a pro. omelets, pulled pork, pancakes, grilled cheese, green beans, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, chicken, you name it you can handle it. having said that you are not a fan of the bottle. kinda stresses me out but the doctor said it is fine. your favorite toys are the dog kennel, the dish washer detergent cabinet, and the cutting board drawer. matter of fact, when i called the dogs to get in the kennel the other day you beat lucy there and i wound up locking all 3 of you in. you were happy as a clam.

-in your one year of life-
 you have been on 12 flights
you have been on 5 road trips
one of which was  riding on the top of a tow truck in a van 
you have moved once
you have been sick 6 times
we have not had any emergency situations
you have watched baby einstein an obscene amount of times
listened to jewel's lullabies till we all went crazy

but mostly in your one year you have made your dad and i wonder
who were we before this? what did we even do before we had you?
because simply put 
we are smitten

happy birthday sweetest little man!

i'll love you forever



Pam said...

L-O-V-E this post and L-O-V-E your boy beyond words. This past year has literally flown by. I"m praying I get to witness more of the next year! XOXOXO

Eileen said...

So sweet Paige, you reviewed the last year so well. What a blessed boy to have you as his mother. Loved all the pictures. Brig is so adorable!!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

What a great post. The pictures Brooke took of him are to die for. He look so yummy in them.

Andrea Ingersoll said...

those pictures are so so so so so so so cute with his little bow tie!!!! You are such a cute little mom, and Brigg is adorable!!!!