Friday, March 30, 2012

let's fly a kite

I love kite flying.
It reminds me of my brother. He always took Brooke and I kite flying in the spring. Always right around his birthday too.
It's been on my spring docket this year but we really don't get much wind round here.
As soon as kites made it to wal-mart I bought one for us.
Then just about everyday for weeks I'd watch the trees for some kind of branch movement.
Finally one day I was pulling into the neighborhood and saw 4 or 5 kites flying at our park. 
It was a now or never thing so as soon as we pulled in I loaded Brig and the kite in the stroller.

It was hilarious.
Like I said it was a spur of the moment, we're never going to get wind again kind of outing which means I ventured out in a dress and flats and a big ole' 31-ish week belly.
Getting our kite up wasn't to difficult Brig threw it good enough for our wind to pick her up.
But Brig getting the fact that we hold on to the string and don't let go was another story.
I must have looked hilarious chasing after that dumb kite countless times after Brig just let go.

The worst part of me chasing after the kite?
Well Brig thought it was part of the kite flying experience, and the funniest part at that.
So I chased the dang kite in my terrible flats and dress.

We flew our kite for a good 30 min and Brig did finally get that we hold onto the string.
Once we got the kite to the proper Brig altitude it was bliss for him.
He kept trying to run it over to the big kids flying their kites though.

Best part is we checked another box off our pre-baby, spring docket :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a good mommy!