Tuesday, February 5, 2008

about us... tagged

I know a little out of form for me to do a tag... but nothing new to post about. We had a semi-disatrous trip to Vegas last weekend and sick sick sickness this week. So a tag for a post.

What is his name? Nathan Wayne Clark

How long have we been together? 2 + years

How long did we date? 6 months then a kind of 3 month engagement... Once we decided we were in love and wanted to get married it kind of turned into a logistic thing i.e where would I live in the fall, should I sacrafice bad grades, etc etc. getting married made the most sense.(My mind works that way)
How old is he? 23 almost 24

Who eats more? I'm not even going to answer that

Who said I love you first? Him... but from pressure from me. I was really "serious" conscious and quite verbal about us not being together very long, yet I hung out with him every day. So Nate just played it cool and acted totally unaffected and just let me play. Finally I was really frustrated we weren't going anywhere and decided to break up, instead we both dropped the bomb.

Who is taller? Him... 6'3. Me 5'0. He likes to pretend I'm his little sister.

Who can sing better? Him. He has a very pretty untrained voice which would be even prettier if he knew any lyrics

Who is smarter? We are very very different smart. I like history, culture, a little more streets. Nate is a SMART boy. I always tell him that. He does well in all of his school with out any studying, he's like that with work too. So he's smarter math, logic, sports wise.

(I love this pic, the person took it when Nate wasn't ready)

Who does the laundry? Me. Some times he'll switch it but it never includes folding.

Who pays the bills? Me, I'm more responsible with the e-pay.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Nate. We tried out the other way our first night in our bed and after 15 min switched and its been that way ever since.

Who mows the lawn? HOA.... sad
(Football mug, this is the first place i scouted him out)

Who cooks dinner? Me, but he does EXCELLANT breakfast and grilling

Who drives? Nate, always. Ever since my accident and many tickets I am scared so Nate is the permanent driver. I am a really excellant back seat driver, Nate loves it.

Who is more stubborn? Nate. I think its cause I have reason. I know when somethings outrageous and when its time to be over things. Nate doesn't so I'm sorry, compromising etc.

Who kissed who first? Nate... wow it blew me away. Amazing kisser, especially for such a big boy. I thought he'd be this big, gruffy sloppy football player kisser. NOPE

Who asked who out first? Nate, he stole me from his best friend. It might actually have been a rescue.

Who proposed? Nate.... after we had been split for 2 weeks. It was on my birthday, I hadn't seen him for 2 weeks and I agreed to let him take me to dinner. It wound up being a scavengar hunt at Gateway to get my birthday presents. The last stop was the water fountain (where we had danced on our first date) it was sunset and a jazz festival was going on, so he stopped me and asked me the same 2 question Holland and I had systematically come up with to ask him then the big one. I think the only reason I said yes that day was the ring though.... I love princess. Oh... and we went to wingers for dinner... not the best planner.

Who has more friends? Um maybe Nate cause he's better at keeping in touch. Not my strong point.

Who is more sensitive? Nate he's a big sensitive boy. I've got that tough skin from papa Mike's remarks my whole life.

Who has more siblings? Nate, 6 brothers 1 sista.

Who wears the pants? Nate, but I'd say I put them on him, you know?

I tag my new found old friends Sommer and Andrea


Andrea Ingersoll said...

I guess I'm tagged. You were talking about me, right? ha....we actually have A LOT in common I would say. Did you know Austin proposed at Gateway too? Weird!

Pam said...

Interesting!! I learned a few things and see that you omitted a few things:) I love to read those tags!

Soms said...

i guess i am tagged to .....thanks new old friend paige!

Pam said...


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Austin is refusing to go sell this summer. I don't even think he will think twice about it. Lame, I know. We can still go out to dinner, though! :)

Andrea Ingersoll said...

You need to update your post! I now have 3 comments on the same post!!! My digits are 787-4392. We will even come to Salt Lake!

Pam said...

I love your new blog set up. Now how about a blog update???? Hope your day is going better for you!