Monday, July 7, 2008

AT&T sucks

So I do have plenty of things to post... but my computer seems to be having problems with our wireless Internet and they say it is my computer but I'm positive it's gay AT&T service. Regardless I use Nate's work computer at night and can't access my pictures. I guess we're just going to have to hunker down and buy a new computer. AND because I am not regularly posting... my picture taking is going to pot. So I guess don't plan on checking our blog till we come up with the dough to buy a new computer.


Pam said...

This is all unacceptable! The deal move away and keep us updated by blogging regularly. Remember the deal??? :(

Chatty Natty said...

Get a computer tech to come checkout the situation before you buy a new one. It's probably a simple fix...maybe clearing up your hard drive....just ask Jonboy he's the family computer tech.

CharLee Carn said...

haha thats not good! Well tell your hubby to get ya a new computer so we can keep in touch! I hope everything is going good!

By the way...I made my moms Peanut Butter Bars and thought of you! Let me know if you want the recipe!

Andrea Ingersoll said...

We seriously just had the same problem. We switched internet over to AF connect and it has been quite nice. We also just had to buy a new laptop. Money Money Money.

Pam said...

PLEEEEEEEASE fix your McPuter! I need some visual news of you...seriously! What can be done about this situation??? I'm dying here!! Nate, can you see me dying here???

Pam said...
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Pam said...

I just want to say that I know more about Jayson and Julianne's life in Omaha than I do about yours! HOW SAD IS THAT????!! Pleeeease fix the computer. I will pitch in on the cost of repairs. A nice little Dell PC is so functional for home use. Think about it...XOXOXO I miss you!