Thursday, January 7, 2010


I AM really excited for this year.
But I also AM very blue today.
It is probably my new found day off and pregnancy hormones that are coursing through my veins that are making me this way but I can't seem to get the energy to put my house back together and get ready for the day right now.
It seems for the last 6 months I've been telling myself and envisioning myself in a comfortable home with a new baby who has everything he could want and need. Because I've been assuming such things I just KNEW when our lease at our apartment was up (Jan 31st) we would find ourselves in a home.
Well, yesterday reality kicked in and said home is looking very bleak before mr. 11 weeks and 3 days arrives. I can't really explain it, but this is simply devastating to me. I keep trying to rationalize with myself that it is NOT a big deal and everything will work out fine but I can't shake these blues. I think what makes me feel more terrible than anything is that all the important things (healthy baby, loving husband with good job) are in line and I really am countlessly blessed right at this moment with so many things. But my heart breaks for my baby if he doesn't have a nursery and has to lay on the hazardous carpet in our apartment.
I am so oober excited for baby B to arrive but I feel so homeless.
I know... we are not homeless and we are very fortunate for the things we have.
But today I am blue about it and I think I'll go climb back in bed.

P.S. no pictures for bloggy, I seem to have left camera in Utah and he won't be arriving for another week.


Pam said...

Such a sad post, little lady! :(
I have faith that Mr. Clark will make things okay for you. You will get your little duckies in a row, I just know it. Wish I were there to give you hugs....and to help you de-deck! Blue is NOT a fun color to be. XOXO

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

Just wanted to say I love you....
Sorry you are blue..

oh....And that I love baby b too


Chatty Natty said...

oh little you today and everyday:)