Thursday, July 22, 2010

4 month boy

i can hardly believe we're here
4 months with each other....
so far i'm looking forward to 18+ years of the same togetherness
you are always my buddy 
did you know we lunch together?
yup. i'm not afraid to go out to lunch with just you.
it's actually quite fun.

dr. o gave you this shirt at my 6 week check-up.
i love it. 
and this is what you wore on your 4 month birthday.
we haven't had a very fun week cause we're moving saturday.
i have been trying to pack all week and your not a big fan of it. 
but pretty soon little man your going to have your own room that won't double as a guest room, ample space to move around in, and... a yard! 
this should give us a little reprieve from the two canines that live with us. 
no more taking the dogs out to go potty. no more icky dog carpet. 
i can hardly wait.

at 4 months you are:

weight 13 lbs 9 oz 20%
height 25 1/4 in 80%
head 14 3/4 in 50%

bottom line
long and skinny

you did great at the dr's even though you needed some lunch and a nap
they poked you 3 times and you didn't cry to hard but you've got bruises today from your pokes :(
dr t thought you looked fantastic and suggested i offer you a buffet to see if your interested in food
so once we get settled in our new house buffet it is!

at 4 months you are:
-in LOVE with those hands
- very smiley
- you laugh but are really confused about what your are doing when you do laugh
- LOVE airplane
- are very scared of a lot of things and your dad likes to provoke this scared reflex so he can see your big lip
- sleeping in your own crib
- agooing all day long
- love to be held upright
- oh and i am mos def still your favorite person

watch out
brig's got him some eyes


Pam said... are killing me! I can't stand that he's growing up and I'm missing out! Please smoosh him just from his Nannie. XOXO

Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

Paige he is so adorable. Im still trying to figure out who he looks like though?

Andrea Ingersoll said...

sooo dang cute .... he looks so much like his momma!! exciting about the new house!!!! moving SUCKS!!!!!!

Tiffany said...

I had to comment on this one. Brig is adorable and congrats on the house!!

Austin - Alex - Max said...
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Austin - Alex - Max said...

Paige, I know I hardly know you. Mostly only from you coming to see Mitch (Mallory).. Anyway I must say, Brig has to be one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. No, seriously. He has even made me want one a little more. ;) He is a doll!

Pam said...

Wait, Brig....I coming!!