Thursday, July 22, 2010

home owners

as of july 20 2010 nate and paige clark are

home owners

honestly, i am soooo excited
honestly, what a pain in the butt this is

nightmare to get to closing, nightmare packing, nightmare to hear 2 days before you move in that the current resident wants to stay an extra week, nightmare that our residence is 2 hours away from our current location, nightmare that our apartment is probably going to rape us.
it will be a dream to have our own home
oh housey, i've been looking forward to you for years!
special thanks to a certain mr clark for buying us a house
we love it!

wife, son, and two dogs


Pam said...

AND it's killing me that I can't be there to help you with this momentus move! I'd be a REALLY big help...I promise! XOXO

Eileen said...

Love the new home!!