Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the most beautiful niece in the world does homecoming

i got to be a part of this.
she let me go shopping with her and we found the perfect dress
she let me come watch her get ready
she let me take pictures and send her out the door
and i?
i loved every minute!

bryce and lis have a very talented hairdresser friend who is super nice and did miranda's hair and make-up for the event. 
this is the step-by-step process

curls, pins, and a beaming momma

beauties final touch

of course asher bieber was there to do all the brotherly pests and jaunts :)
(we were barely ready when he arrived and asher so lovingly kept running and opening the front door to say he was there just to stress miss miri out)

mr date's first look

oh they were too cute, and they actually are bf/gf.
how nice is that to go to your first dance with someone you actually like

my taylor swift look-a-like niece has now been to her first dance :(
i can hardly wait for the next!

i secretly hope mr clark asks me to homecoming so i can get all dolled up and giddy
of course briggy would be invited too :)


Eileen said...

How nice you live nearby Miranda and family. She does look so beautiful!!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Ahhhh....I can't believe she is that old. She is beautiful! Can't wait to see you all.

Pam said...

So jealous that you got to be a part of all of this....and so happy that you did at the same time! Our Mirabelle is such a beauty and dont' we all enjoy living through it with her?? Thanks for the great documentation!! XO