Sunday, December 19, 2010

there's a first for everything right?

uh oh...
i did something the likes of the 'sister judy's' in the world would frown upon
but it just sounded so fun to take brig to mcdonalds for lunch.
so i did :)

he seemed to like chicken nuggets and french fries
and i just felt crazy for taking my 8 month old to mcdonalds

but there's a first for everything
and come on,
what kid doesn't like mcdonalds?
we just won't make it a habit :)


Pam said...

Love that you have his chair protector on. He seems no worse for the wear. By child #5 Mickey D's will be some of their first words. You are a good Mommy! XOXO

kennan said...

i am sad we were not there to celebrate with you!