Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a little christmas spirit sf style

not having much family around leaves your days around christmas vacant of family gatherings
it's not a bad thing or really a good thing but it did make it so we could head into the city for an overnighter on the 23rd
oh it seemed like a grand old plan!
get us in the christmas spirit, help nate find a fantastic gift for me, eat a delicious dinner, look out our hotel window onto union square all night...
and it was.
we got the beautiful hotel overlooking union square, a delicious italian dinner with a happy boy
then we tried to retire for the evening....
no one slept.
and how do you let a baby cry it out in a hotel?
and plus he just sat on his tummy the whole time whaling and staring at us.
a parent can only watch their child do that for so long.
so we didn't sleep.

but when morning finally came around 
we were able to feed our chipper little duck loads of pancake pieces.

then we went on a search for the perfect gift for me
with brig in a comatose state.
no perfect gift was found :( stupid size 5 feet
and finally we made it back home for a very drowsy christmas eve

1 comment:

Pam said...

Nate looks a litle comatose himself! Oh the best laid plans of mice and men.... XO