Thursday, December 16, 2010

the two week itch

well... not really nate and i just parted ways for the 2 week period
his not so new-ish job finally sent him to training.
only downside.. it was a two week training in new jersey in december.
we planned things perfectly though.... he left on a sunday and i left on a sunday :)

here's nate in front of his 'home alone' dream come true on the weekend

the only difference in our plans of departing on sundays was...
nate flew first class to new york
brig and i braved the sierra nevadas with my parents on a 13 hour winter road trip.
our savior?
rice puffs, ella's kitchen baby food that so conveniently squeezes out of the pouch, and jewel's lullaby's.


we did arrive though and i spent 10 days just not being alone. 
that was wonderful.
i took no pictures though so these are all stolen from phones, others blogs, etc. it is going to appear as if the trip threw up.
it will be documented!

love my almost twin sister brooke.
she came down for a sleep over one night and we decided to visit thanksgiving point's lights.

she's a bit romantic and convinced us that a "hay-ride" through the lights would be so much more fun than just driving.
served her right... she and my mom froze but briggy and i sat in the middle and stayed pretty darn toasty,
as for the lights... cute-ish but brig's not that into them.

then i spent many more days at my mom's just hanging around, meeting up with kennan and brooke for lunches, santa visits, tangled viewings, and dance performances. 
with the 3 hour time difference and me actually having people to be with... i think i talked to nate for 20 minutes the first week!

then the following sunday i headed to the clark's.
it is kind of mega fun visiting them without nate.
they are so nice and basically treat you like a queen.
for some reason brig sleeps like an angel in their house?
still trying to figure that one out cause traveling with baby makes for not very good sleep patterns.
even dr brown concurs.

we shopped, and ate, and went to visit the lights at temple square.
coleen's feet were hurting so jaydee and i braved temple square together. 

we got there at maybe 5:20? not very many lights were on.
so we thought we'd ask the sister missionaries for some information.
*note to visitors*
they are not there to help
not-a-one companionship knew when the lights would go on
they did however, have a great interest in where we were from :)

finally they popped on.
and it was quite fun to be there for the 'ta da' 

then just like that my 10 day trip was over.
i wanted to stay longer but the poor dogs were home with the dog sitter.

thank you mom and dad for letting me come home.
thank you jaydee and coleen for treating us like royalty.
thank you nate for finally getting home.

now for christmas!!!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Come back, stay longer, move home. You choose...any of the above options work for me. XO