Friday, January 28, 2011

10 months old my boy

you've had a 10 month birthday

we didn't go to the doctor's this month so i don't have any stats for you
but you have been quite busy.

your biggest achievement this month? well crawling of course!  and seriously, why is it so stinkin cute?your little baby body is the cutest. you haven't pulled yourself up to your feet yet but you do pull yourself onto you knees to get a better look at things ie the dogs at the backdoor. i am quite partial to this and maybe there is nothing better then when you crawl on over to me, then up me. love. 
the best part of you crawling? your still slow. seriously your slowness is kind of hilarious and robyn aptly pointed out it fits perfectly with your turtle-ness. you just mosey everywhere, your movements are very controlled and precise.  you are still a maniac eater and i discovered a few days ago just what your two toothed mouth can do. chew. very expertly. i feed you whole pancakes and whole bananas and you just take bites like a big boy. seriously brig, you have two teeth don't you still feel like you need mushy/small pieced things? apparently not. this month you have fallen in love with the swing and the baby einstein movies we've had for 7 months.  you cry when i get you out of the swing, so much that the other day you literally fell asleep in the swing.  and baby einstein? i've put it on several times in your short life and you've had zero interest {which made me question those baby einstein people} but all of the sudden your are enraptured. it makes making dinner much more pleasant. you are obsessed with anything plugged into the wall. i am convinced sticking the ends of electrical cords in the mouth is a baby reflex. on a high note to my mothering, you've been hanging out in the yard while i try to prune our mammoth rose bushes and the such. just the other day i looked over to see you with a leaf heading for your mouth. i went to get it out, not quickly enough, and wound up having to do some finger swiping. i got most out on the first swipe but could still see a dark part in your mouth. so i swiped again only to fling out a slug. i'm still gagging.
we are definitely in a transition. you are growing up. you no longer are interested in two naps and if i give you two you wake up at 5 am :( i'm still trying to work this whole thing out. you are sleeping beautifully through the night though and i very much enjoy that.
well baby boy.
sure love you!

just stop trying to pull my lamp down.


1 comment:

Pam said...'re killing me here. I can't believe that you are doing all these things and I'm missing them! Wait....I coming! XOXO