Friday, January 7, 2011

a 9 month post

we got a little behind there during the holidays
and a little lazy this first week of the year
so here is a late 9 month post

you sir are the best
especially in scrumptious grey suit

height: 28 in (45%)
weight: 18lb 12 oz (20%)
head: 47 cm (90%)

you are being very diligent in remaining on the same growth curve
bravo :)

yes you see those two teeth?
you hatched those in this 9th month!
i find it hard to believe that we are going to go through the whole ordeal for every single tooth
but alas, your sprouting another as we post which is why i'm still in my bathrobe at  11 am
you also have mastered the army crawl. you can crawl i know it, but you just keep your head down and make it drag on the ground. it's pretty cute and both dad and i are impressed how fast you are. you have started biting. mostly me, but dad's got those two teeth in his arm as well. you are such a grown up eater and pretty much are done with baby food to my dismay. you graduated from laying down during you bathtub to doing whatever you want which usually includes large gulps of bath water. you say "mamama" all the time and i really can't resist when you do. you tear your bumpers in your crib apart when you wake up. you won't clap your hands, wave, or perform any other skill i try teach you but you sure loooove watching me try. the door stop is the best thing ever in your book. especially letting me in and out of your room. if i wear jewelry i am the best mom ever and for some reason you still find your necklace the end-all even though it never leaves my neck. you've discovered how to share your food with the dogs {boo}. you now just take two  naps a day and go to sleep at your usual hour... ahem, 7 pm. oh, and did i mention we're still crazy just about you? well, we are :) 

we went to the park with our friends stephanie and jasmine
one of the niceties of living in california in january
you sure like the swing

xoxo baby boy
love, mommy

1 comment:

Pam said...

Wait....he's growing up TOO fast. Adorable little man. XI