Tuesday, January 25, 2011

mother to three

i got these three for the weekend.
15, 10, 10 months
just something about your brother's and sister's kids
you just can't help but love them like your own.
miranda and asher are no exception

they come from a very cultured home
consequently their weekend with me was quite suburban.
really, all i know how to do is feed kids.
i hope they weren't too bored 
cause i just loved

 i did have the privilege of taking this girl on her very first 'real' date
and i also had the privilege of playing responsible guardian with the the boy

i know it is bad to have this frame of mind, but i just can't help feeling like i've missed these kids lives.
i know they're 10 & 15 and still plenty of life in them but sometimes my heart just aches that i haven't been there for everything.
they were such a nice bit of change especially with nate gone for the weekend
and brig pretty much thought they were awesome.

i just liked walking around and seeing scenes like this at my house.
so excited for my family to grow.
so excited to share my brother's family.
come back anytime!

1 comment:

Pam said...

JEALOUS....and I can totally relate to the "missing their life" feeling...and now I'm feeling it about Brig, too! Makes me a very sad Nannie... Love and miss all four of you!!! (And the other three, too,) XOXOXO