Thursday, September 20, 2007

1 thing to do during Colonialism in the Middle East

4 Jobs I have had (ranked in order of favoritism):

1. Thanksgiving Point Stadium 8
2. PF Chang's China Bistro (hostess)
3. Lifetree Clinical Research (receptionist)
4. BEBE (yes I know slut store)

4 Movies I Could Watch Again and Again:

1. Godfather 1&2
2. Pride & Prejudice
3. Spirited Away
4. Bridget Jones Diary

4 Places I have Lived:

1.Highland, Ut
2. Salt Lake City, Ut
3. Indianapolis, IN
4. ?

4 Guilty Pleasures:

1. Animated Movies
2. Special Event Food
3. Sleep
4. Driving Fast

4 Vacations I have been on:

1. France & England (with Brooke and the parents)
2. Jamaica & Cayman's
3. Italy
4. Greek Isles

4 Favorite Foods:

1. Cafe Rio salad
2. Beto's Breakfast Burrito
3. Prime Rib (Dustin knows what I'm saying)
4. Gandolfo's breakfast sandwich

4 Websites I Visit:

1. Hotmail
3. Blogger

4 Places I'd Rather be:

1. Traveling
2. With my sisters (mom your one of those as well):)
3. Hanging out on our couch
4. At a park reading

4 Books I Love:

1. Harry Potter
2. Anything Marcia McClure (Thank you Robyn)
3. Chronicles of Narnia
4. Dystopic novels (1984, Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451)

4 Things I Would Like to Know How to Do:

1. Speak/read/write French
2. A hobby I can do my whole life
3. Bake Bread
4. Play a musical instrument

4 Things I Worry About:

2. Being a good mom
3. Driving
4. School

4 of My Happiest Moments:

1. When Nate and I decided to get married (first time)
2. When I got Lucy
3. When I made U of U Cheer
4. When we got back from Indy

4 Things I want in the Near Future:

1. House
2. Jeans
3. Baby
4. Make-up


Pam said...

Okay...someday I'll feel okay about your very sad engagement :( and I never realized you only lived in Highland until you moved out. And don't drive fast!! Do I sound like your mother, or what??? I lub you!

Pam said...

Oh, by the way...are you really going to pass that class when you mostly blog in there?

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Um....did you say baby in the near future? How near? I love that you did this little quiz, fun things to read.