Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our Grill!

I think Nate has wanted a grill since we've been married... however buying one around Christmas was impossible then once Spring arrived it seemed pointless to spend the money when we wouldn't use it all summer. So first thing we purchased when we got back was a grill. Lucky for us it's the end of the season so we got a way discounted floor model (which means we didn't have to assemble it). We LOVE our grill. We use it 3 out of the 5 times we cook each week.

Nate "the griller". I don't know how to turn it on so therefore don't try. I like it better that way anyhow... all I have to do is prepare the food!

Who knew.... plain old hot dogs are AMAZING


Pam said...

Yummmmmmy....does this mean we might get a dinner invitation?????

B-Will said...

I propose a cook off between nate and Dustin. You invite us over for grilling, and then D-bin invites us over. Dad can be the judge, it is so funny when he judges.

Let the cook-off begin.