Wednesday, September 29, 2010

6 months

oh baby boy...
we are already here!
you know what's the hardest thing for me as your mom?
how quickly everything changes... i thought i had you figured out then you go a head and change.
changes this month:
you eat food
you have man poop
you no longer nap anywhere
you are an efficient roller
you are sitting unaided for 1-2 minutes
i am trying to let you "cry-it-out" when you sleep
in you alert time you talk, talk, talk, well it's more like squeal kind of reptar-ish

the hardest thing for me this month is sleep.
the waking up several times at night started catching up to mom and you just weren't happy so i decided action needed to be taken. i waited till your appointment on the 22nd so the dr could give me the "he's fine and should be sleeping" and we have started the 'crying-it-out'. i know i am probably ruining you cause i think of that face and the possibility that your being strangled by a blanket and i can't bear to have you cry for long.
really. i decided if someone wanted to torture me they would tie me to a wall and just make me watch you cry. that's all and i would break.
so we're working on this change in your life.

you on the other hand.... i can't keep my hands off you when you're in your wrestling onesie....

we went to a new dr this month. she's okay, i think we'll give her one more shot.
she said you looked good and went ahead and gave you 3 shots.

your stats came out to be:

height 26 3/4 in 50%
weight 15 lb 12 oz 25%
head 17 3/4 80%

it's funny cause i'm always worried about you winding up being small like me.
so after they gave me the stats and i was waiting for the dr i knew aunt cass had sent me some of cleo's stats after one of her drs appointments. so i caroused my text messages and found her stats. she was 26 in and 16.7 lbs, i immediately felt better about your growth! until i looked at the date.... those were cleo's 4 month stats haha. but you know what baby boy? i sure love you just the way you are.




Mitch said...

Paige! You're such a cute mom. And that Brig!! I'm in love. And Nate's not too bad, either. We've used a book to help us with Margaret's sleeping. If you're interested, it's called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". Cindy Crawford recommends it, so it has to be good.

Uh, maybe we'll have to get one of those onesies. Brig makes them look so adorable!

Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

Paige where did you get that onesie!!?? It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen!

MAEH said...

That onesie is so cute! And Brig is ridiculously cute! Oh man. If it makes you feel better...Elle had similar stats at her 6 month appointment. :)

And I totally agree on the crying it's torture. I tried it earlier and couldn't hack it, I'm trying it tomorrow for bedtime. So hopefully it works out. :)

Pam said...

He can't get here soon enough!! XO

Andrea Ingersoll said...

He is such a smiley baby!!! I love all those cute pictures. He looks sooo much bigger and different than last time I looked!! No longer a newborn. Handsome. So Handsome.

Eileen said...

Oh he is cute!

Hayden and Lisa said...

Oh Paige he is soooo cute!! Doesn't time go by fast? But isn't it fun/cool/cute/exciting to see them growing and learning new things like every day!! When you are in Utah we need to see each other!!