Saturday, September 25, 2010

my 'supported sitter'

i'm not exactly sure what 'supported sitter' is..
i mean is it sitting in a bumbo? or with something behind you? or just able to sit while someone holds you?
who knows... but all the baby food has a 'supported sitter' slogan with a picture of a leaning sitting stick baby.
brig eats food in his sitting support (el bumbo) but when he wants to play and remain happy for a while we hook him up to the boppy for my version of 'supported sitting'

he loves it.

he is actually getting really good too, at the time of this picture he was doing about 20 seconds by himself (yes of course it was nate who timed him)

but this is fantastic for him cause he falls over and it's a comfy pillow for him
he even likes to throw his head back so he can look behind him upside down. that trick makes me kinda nervous of course...

he loves his hands still and they are constantly at his face. 
rubbing, scratching, sucking, holding... which is why he always has scrapes. i cute is nails every week, sometimes twice but to no avail and yeah right mittens will help....

but he's so happy sitting and playing with his banani

and i sure think he's cute.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Scrumptions!! You can't get here fast enough! XO