Tuesday, September 21, 2010

in my opinion.

i feel like things are changing so fast with my boy.
he is a grown up.
not quite as grown up as this picture though...

this is one of nate's favorite games
getting our baby to be the earliest walker.
nate's crazy.
and no.
brig will NOT be walking by 6 months.
but it sure looks cute when they're in their training sessions

daddy is always right there behind brig but so far assisted standing is all brig has managed
but you should see nate try to teach him to take steps :)
kind of pretty funny

 me on the other hand....
i love every baby stage.
like when he discovered his feet the first part of august.
they are his most favorite thing. how is it that feet can entertain for so long?

i tried to get some shots of him holding his feet..
the problem is his favorite part of holding his feet is flinging them back down. 
so the pictures were quite blurry.

but i did capture this...
brig rubs his eye often.
i'm not sure if he's allergic to my dogs, tired, or just itchy.
but it's pretty cute too.

xo briggy!


Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

Love the new pics Paige, he is getting so big!!!

Pam said...

Get that boy out here, stat!! XO

Andrea Ingersoll said...

Oh my heck that smiley picture is soooo cute!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

In love with the light blue overalls....
He seems SO much older than his cousin Sully.