Friday, October 22, 2010

halloweenie jammies & 7 months

4 years ago on the family jackson trip my sister robyn brought picture frames for all the ladies in the family that said "our little goblins"
initially i didn't get one, not having a baby and all, and if i remember correctly i threw a fit and robyn gave me one. 
anyway, they took a picture of all the grand babies then in their skeleton jammies and they all had that halloween picture in their frames.
i don't know why but i love that frame and have held on to it for years. it just was a "i'll be there someday" reminder for me. well i am here!
i bought my skeleton jammies in umm august?
i also picked these amazing halloweenie jammies up at the same time.
i love baby jammies.
 i love my baby in jammies. 
i now have this picture in my frame

on to 7 months 

when i informed dad it was your birthday again today it went like this:
dad: how long will he have a birthday every month?"
me: "forever?!?"

i really think every 22 @ 7pm i will relive having you baby boy. 
i just love that moment so much 
 so cheers to your 7 month birthday!!

at 7 months you:
-say "oh.." amazingly cute and all the time and is both me and dad's favorite
-sleep beautifully during the day and at night :)
-eat 2 square meals a day, at least 8 oz each meal
-love phones and remotes
- you hand out smiles like they're candy
- everywhere we go people can't take they're eyes off you. literally, a customer at best buy couldn't even finish checking out cause you walked by and two straight men at the auto glass store googled over you for an hour while we waited.
- you like to try and drown in the tub by rolling on your tummy or head diving while sitting
- you sit up in the grocery cart
-watch cartoons while mom gets ready
- still have both mom and dad wrapped around your finger

the facial expression that accompanies the "ohh..."

nose dive



love you my boy!
happy 7 months!


Andrea Ingersoll said...

He is getting so big. I love little jammies too!

Eileen said...

So cute Paige! I really don't like how fast they grow, especially now that we have Cash.

Pam said...

It really should be illegal for kids to move away when they have babies. I can't stand it!! So, so adorable!!! And I'm missing out on it... :( XOXOXO

Tim and Mandy said...

What a cutie!!! Hope you are doing well! We need to get together and do another dinner!