Thursday, June 30, 2011

15 month check-up

At 15 months....
weight: 24.12 lbs (50%)
height: 30.5 in (25%)
head: 50 cm (100%+)

it was a hilarious appointment. new doctor... I think the nurse was extra new. She measured Brig's head 3 times would go enter the number in the computer then look really confused. She politely excused herself saying she thought she was ding something wrong and went in search of another nurse. Queue nurse number 2. She comes in and expertly measures Brig's head only to have gotten the same number nurse 1 measured. They then both turn to me and ask if his head is usually large for his age.  I see the lovely arcs of the growth chart and Brig's head-dot in far left out field. I am laughing hysterically inside, and respond with a resounding yes.
Oh I love my big headed boy.

You're a walking, climbing fool, and when those feet get going to what I guess you would consider a "run" I melt. You are terrified of your squeak shoes. You took two good falls off our front steps (the bruised head on father's day)You do the feet stomp when you get excited. 
You are a man of few words. Well, two words "Daddey" and "Hiy". 
Both of which are used to greet Daddy when he walks in the door. 
However, you sing along to "clean-up" pretty darn good. You quite enjoy hanging out in your crib babbling and trying to take down your wall decor. You're a sucker for fruit snacks. Since you've started walking you've become more your won person and are now afraid of strangers and do not tolerate them touching you. Swimming lessons were a bit difficult with this development. You also won't let me feed you. It's a "I feed my self or nothing" kind of attitude and I am a little concerned about your nutrition but also am sticking to my guns with the you eat what's on the table philosophy. Plus, when your hungry I'm sure you will eat.  Curse vegetables though... I'm yet to find one you like. 
Tricks? still not your strong suit. But you drive your cars around like a champ and are getting pretty good at throwing your balls and other items....

your cute though and 15 months suits you well :)



Pam said...

ADORABLE!!! July 20th can't come soon enough! XOXO

Mitch said...

So cute. How adorable is your little man?

And I think a large noggin runs in the family. Margaret's in the top percentile as well. It's because these kids are brilliant.