Sunday, June 12, 2011

My man cub

Is walking

I keep catching myself recording Brig just toddling around. I am absolutely smitten by it. Really, most adorable thing ever. How did I not notice how adorable this is in other children? Arms out for balance, the robotic leg motions, feet that get going faster than little bodies, the deep squats to avoid falling, the sounds made when he thinks he's going down, the last reach before he gets to his destination. 
I love it.

Notice Brig's "ohhh" he makes when he gets into his squat and thinks he's going down. This sound can also be heard when the dogs get to the ice cubes before Brig and anything else that doesn't go according to Brig plan.

Brig in what I call his "lederhosen" 
brought to you by the hands of Nannie.
(I may or may not have a matching suit)

He took his first steps the first week in May when Brad was in town.

 It has taken him a whole month to figure it all out.
but now he's toddling away.

and tasting the flora and fauna at the front of our house.

love you my boy.


Pam said...

SO stinking cute!! He makes me smile and at the same time sad that he is changing so quickly and I'm not there to witness it first hand. BTW...very handsome in the "lederhosen". Miss you! XOXO

Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

I want you to live by me so I can play with him too! He is just too yummy! His outfit is adorable, I saw stuff like that everywhere in Switzerland!

kennan said...

flora and fauna? where is merriweather?

can you give ezzie those "overhosens" when you are done?i love them

brig is quite possibly the cutest walker ever. fine, he is the cutest ever at everything.

miss you.