Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's all happening at the zoo

We took these dolls to the zoo the saturday before Dex arrived.
I had gone to my doctor Friday and being a 1 and 30% effaced and 38+6 he WOULDN'T strip my membranes and he WOULDN'T even discuss induction as a possibility. I was so depressed, I thought my body was making progress and I wasn't holding back on doing anything!
So alas, I had great plans of eating spicy food and walking myself into labor all weekend.
Enter Zoo.

Jon and Cass were free Saturday too! So Brig and Cleo got some much needed cousin time and a fun Saturday activity.
We stopped for hot wings on our way into SF and were still ahead of Jon and Cass by about 20 min (they have special jon & cass time :)) so we headed into the gift shop to have a look about.
Enter train pictured above.
Brig played with the worker and that train for a good 10 min then he wouldn't leave the shop with out it, then he wouldn't put it down for the next 48 hours.
 (literally, it got left at church the next day and we had to go back for it after Brig woke from his nap and realized it was gone)

At this point, the train still made noises.
Notice the finger pushing the button.

Cleo, Brig and the super fun lion to climb on.... oh and the train.

get me off this lion.... and train

the train did get put down for the iccee with a lifetime-worth of refills.

and... Brig playing with the train

and the train...

It wound up being such a lovely day. Although Brig really only had eyes for that train it was so fun to be with family strolling around SF zoo on a beautiful spring day.
The walking did nothing to put me in labor only guilted me into going to church the next day for I felt great.
 Cass put this together which is amazing and adorable.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Adorable cousins!