Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ward Basketball is PIMP

One of the things Nate ADORES about where we live is his basketball crew. He gets up 3X a week at 5am to go play basketball with some ward buddies, every Wednesday night as well, and then Saturday mornings for official ward games. For his wife who suffers through this (waking up without fail every morning with him, him sucking 20 lbs, and him gone on your night off) it finally paid of. 
The big time. 
The Friday night of the year.

(He's the sexy one with his shirt off)

No I really don't stay that tuned into Nate's basketballness, I just appreciate his happiness about it all and indulge in the banter about it afterwards. Having said that... they did make it to the final game, but lost to a team with Kobe Bryant on it. Sad, but inevitable. The whole ward basketball thing is a first for me. I think my dad played but by the time I came around he was to old. So I never went to games and ran around the stake center. I think I'd have thought it was as much fun as all the kids I saw at Nate's game though.


Pam said...

Sounds like he L-O-V-E-S it!! What does Paige do for fun???

kennan said...

i heart nate with his shirt off.

come home.