Friday, March 26, 2010

Brig Zeyer Clark

Brig Zeyer Clark
March 22, 2010 7:01 PM
7 lbs 3 oz 20 inches

Sunday evening we went in to the hospital to prepare to be induced the following morning. Might I say this night was very long and neither Paige or myself got much sleep. The following morning at 8 the doctor broke Paige's water and the fun began. The nurse had asked Paige on a scale from 1-10 what was the pain from her contractions and her reply was a "6". After the Doctor broke her water she told Paige that the contractions she had been feeling were a 1 and the pain was about to begin. Our Doctor would not allow Paige to receive the epidural until she was dilated to a 4. Needless to say that took almost 5 hours and my poor wife was in a lot of pain. Once 1 rolled around she received the epidural and things were great.
At 6:10 the pushing process began and 30 minutes later they called the Dr to let her know Paige was ready. A few minutes later we got to experience the most incredible event as our child was born. The love we felt in that room was so incredibly strong I couldn't even explain what it felt like. For months I had heard various stories on how scary, gross, amazing, unreal the experience was so I wasn't sure what to expect but I will have to say without doubt it was the most incredible spiritual experience I have had.
Baby Brig was having a tough time breathing so the nurses allowed us to hold him for a brief moment then they let me walk him to the nursery where they could monitor him closer.
I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to leave or not but I stayed put until I was told to leave. All the tests came out perfect so within a few hours we were able to have him in our room for the rest of our stay
Greg, Jon, Bryce, Lisa and Miranda came to visit us in the hospital and first thing Greg did was strike the Heisman Pose and several other football poses for the camera.
Thursday morning we were told Brig had been cleared to go home so we packed up and home we went.
Baby B's first car ride!
One of our main concerns was how the Dogs would react to Brig especially Lucy. All I can say is so far so good. Redford has been more interested in all the flowers we brought home from the hospital.
We are now settled in at home and Pam and Brooke are here for a few days helping out which is very much appreciated. Thank You!
The Little Guy is doing great!


kennan said...


well done.... all the way around. fatherhood suits you well.




Eileen said...

He is just so yummy ~ Congratulations!!

Chatty Natty said...

Stop it would're making me baby hungry! If only I could be guaranteed a little guy:)

We really can't wait to meet little B and see you two as parents!!!!

Heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS Nate and Paige! He is a beautiful baby and so precious! Best Wishes and Lots of LOVE to you and your new family!

MAEH said...

Congrats to both of you!! Brig is adorable! Have fun!

Whit said...

Ohhh, I have been thinking about you! He is beautiful - in a manly way. Gosh he is cute. I can't believe how big his eyes are!

Congrats you guys.

I am coming over!

:) I will call first.

Hayden and Lisa said...

Oh I am so happy for you guys! Can you believe your baby is here!? He is beautiful. I totally know what you mean about the most spiritual experience ever!! Glad we can start our journey as parents together!!

Schwarz's said...

congrats! he looks so adorable!

Andrea Ingersoll said...

Yay!!!! I've been waiting for this post! He is a beautiful baby, and I'm so happy for you two!!!