Wednesday, May 5, 2010

twinner cousins

oh so beautiful lisa just HAPPENED to land 20 minutes away from me for the summer.
she had her teeny tiny adorable twins just one week before brig arrived
they were six weeks early and had a bit of a traumatic arrival into the world but doing so great now.
It is so fun because lisa and i are going through the exact same thing right now but it is SO different.
she has 2!
i had to see these two adorables for myself

beckham, ellery, and brig
who looks like a giant?
really though, he felt huge after i left her house.

i don't know how people can do multiples...
safe to say there was a moment... or two when it was a bit stressful
my cousin lisa is an amazingly strong woman and she does two beautifully
she has such good babies. they hardly made a peep when i was there.
he makes peeps.
lucky for him i think they're awfully cute still :)
thank you lisa for letting us come visit!
i hope there will be many more to come


Pam said...

Many more visits or many babies??? How fun to see them all together! What a baby boom for the Williams family! XO

kennan said...

oh... i am dying. i want smoosh all 3 but brig first and the longest (obviously).

Hayden and Lisa said...

Oh cute pics!! Thanks again for coming to visit, we need to do it again soon!! Brig is sooooo adorable!!