Tuesday, May 4, 2010

catch up

alright this is a quick update to chronicle what i meant to LAST week
baby did great at his 5 week appointment
9 lbs 8 oz 29%
21 1/4 inches 23%
head 15.2 cm 47%
these stats mean that these are filling out a bit...

at this point in time we are:
-NOT sleeping through the night (10lbs is the magic #)
-taking a bottle beautifully while mom is at work
- going to the movies! even if the movie leaves one wanting...
-developing a lovely case of baby acne (thank you robyn for the hydrocortisone tip)
-becoming quite the spit-upper
-generally becoming a happy boy

I did want to take lots of beautiful pictures of little man... but i tried to do this after a 30 minute "dress up" session
silly mom a little man can only handle so much.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Counting the minutes until I can smoosh him! XOXO