Wednesday, August 25, 2010

lawn days

this is what we did saturday
(we sure needed it as you can see)

i don't know why but i am really excited to have to worry about a yard
and i also don't know why but i am self conscious of having the yard that lets the street down...
and our yard needed a little tlc
lawn hadn't been cut since we moved in and i may or may not have accidently/purposely turned off our sprinklers for a week?
come on... there's a lot to keep track of as a homeowner 

oh and what was i doing while mr clark mowed the lawn you ask?
well a few weeks ago i did something i have never done before and i never intend to do again.
it was late...
i was the only one up... the tv was on... an infomercial came on... and it happened to have the tool of my dreams...
a 13 minute phone call later i presumed i was the owner of one of these awesome power washer hose attachments. presumed i say because the dang recording kept asking if i wanted a bagillion other things then abruptly ended with with "your package should arrive in 4-6 weeks" click. 
i then sheepishly climbed into bed.
luckily it only took a week or so and thankful
i am in love
she works like a charm on our dirty exterior of our house
if brig would take longer naps, say 3-4 hours, i could get some serious washing done.

like really... my favorite purchase since my aluminum water bottle back in May
you can kind of tell from my face...

oh, and did you know we live on the runway of the sonoma county airport?
well underneath the flight path to get to the runway...
BUT i really think its really cool
like this weekend was the air show
we didn't have to leave the house 
granted, maybe 3 days was enough air show for me
and brig and the dogs might not live through another fighter fly over
but all in all
we're awesome and so is our house


Pam said...

So glad you are a happy info-mercial patron. Keep up the good work. You make a nifty homeowner!

P.S. Why didn't you get a photo of the fighter jets???

kennan said...

i wish you were as awesome as us and had a NON MOTOR lawnmower. BARF.

p.s. i lurve your outfit.