Saturday, August 28, 2010

overnight anniversary

oh goodness... what a fantastic evening we had!
nate isn't the best planner, like he doesn't plan ahead, but he is a fantastic 'on a whim' kind of guy. we had talked about just going overnight somewhere for our anniversary but no plans we're made. he had to work up in fort bragg wednesday morning at 7 which would mean leaving our house a little before 5 so he was throwing around the idea of spending the night up there. i liked the idea a lot but monday when i called him to lay some plans down for my week he just gave me my favorite "paige i don't know" 
grr... i huffed and promptly called lisa to see if she'd drive to napa with me instead to go investigate a craigslist table. you see i didn't want to do these two outings in one day because it would be 4 hours of driving for poor mr brig.
well plans were made by me then tuesday rolled around and nate said we were going.

it's times like these that i just have to roll with things. 
most always i'm glad i do.
like this time.
2 hours of driving, 1 of which my baby was not happy, and we found ourselves in a little haven.
fort bragg is a very small coastal town that is almost never ever sunny and lovely.
it just happened to be gorgeous the 12 hours we visited.

the best part of our whiming?
just driving till we find something good.
like the adorable little river inn.
the best part of the room was this porch and the fantastic view

we kept our door open all night listening to the crashing waves and letting the ocean breeze swim through our room.

this man was handsome as usual.
we had a fantastic dinner with a well behaved baby then turned around and had a fantastic breakfast.
really, swedish pancakes have never been better

nate woke up early and made a business call then came back for me and brig.
brig and i then made the long trek home. 
the trek home was the hardest part. i think i've ruined brig's relationship with his car seat :(
but all in all well worth every minute. tuesday afternoon when i was thinking "is this going to be more of a hassle then it will be enjoyable?" i was dead wrong
very fun mr clark 
and again
happy anniversary

love, your wife

1 comment:

Pam said...

Way to go, Mr. Clark! Looks like a very fun place.