Saturday, November 6, 2010

the beginning of something great

last night

we took brig to his first football game

it was momentous in my book
although nate is what you might call a 'sports fanatic' football does mean more than just hitting people and catching balls. 
football was nate's childhood, football bonded the family, football and nate's love for his dad go hand-in-hand in all the good ways. 
almost every weekend when nate was in jr high was spent traveling around the country with his dad watching his brothers play and from what i can gather, they are some of his fondest memories.

 naturally, this love will be emulated in our home with our boy. i have no doubt when nate found out we were having a boy little footballs were circling around his head. 
so brig, i hope you find as much joy sharing football games with your dad as he did with his.

indeed, the beginning of something great....
we just have to work on making your bedtime a little later :)


Chatty Natty said...

Oh this is so sweet! Nate was the perfect age when all the boys played college and Pro - he got to enjoy it all and was spoiled:) I, myself, remember many very fun California trips.

Pam said...

Like father, like son, like grandson, and so the circle goes. Sweet post, honey! XOXO