Sunday, November 14, 2010

utah man

our baby is a utah man.

in honor of the big tcu-utah game we decided to get real excited about it at our house.
which basically just means i decided to get excited about it cause natey boy is always excited about all things utah.
so i garbed our boy up and prepared some football foodies for us.

this however... was all before the disappointing game began
but brig has never looked cuter in his ute garb and daddy for some reason loves him in jeans, and this track jacket? 
i prefer the more sweet baby boy look. 
nate just can't wait for him to be 'his boy'
i guess that's when he'll stop being my 'baby boy' :(

i had to hold my boy tight when nate took off this weekend for the utah-notre dame game
he was trying to take him with him!
no no no

anyway, we both have stars in our eyes for this one.


Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

The cutest ute fan I have ever seen!

Pam said...

Adorable! The Utes need to get a look at him so he can boost their morale! XO

kennan said...

brigs future is looking good at the u... he's either going to be a football player or a yell leader with those genes! xo