Friday, November 5, 2010

our halloween!

what else was he going to be?
brig had to be a turtle for halloween
 because there pretty much aren't turtle costumes for babies and i like me a little craft
he got a homemade turtle costume.

well, needless to to say, he was adorable.
can't keep my hands off a brig
can't keep my hands of a turtle brig

we had two days of halloween,
unfortunately the big 'party' was our ward trunk-or-treat
i'd been thinking about it all since you know... mid september... and i decided we would go as an ocean theme. so nate was a shark, i was an octopus, i decorated our car with an ocean theme, and i handed out bubbles.
in hindesight?
crappy idea.
go for the candy, and scary cheap halloween decorations, and don't bother costuming.
maybe it was because i had been planning and expecting the trunk-or-treat to be a blast, so it couldn't do anything but let me down.
so for next year:
- do our own halloween festivity
- don't prepare two months in advance

our car for trunk-or-treat
(note i only put up half the decorations i brought because it was a pain and way not as fun as i'd thought)

brig goes to bed at 6:30
the party started at 6:30 and they did trunk-or-treat last!
poor baby was one exhausted turtle.
but he stayed pretty chipper for evening

the real halloween was much more up my alley!
it was a low key day but i had invited bryce and lisa over for my try at 'dinner in a pumpkin'
it was so fun to pull a pumpkin out of the oven, and although my witches brew (rootbeer), and sugar cookies were a failure it was just fun to be with family.

asher, miranda, and brig all went trick-or-treating with eachother.
too cute and our neighborhood was bomb for trick-or-treating
matter of fact we ran out of candy :(

brig made it to just one house
but i'm pretty sure he thought it was super cool

miranda as a gypsie, brig as a turtle, and asher as a ninja IN character
oh and see the game on in the background? 
let's go giants!! super fun to live here right now!
the final game you could hear all the neighbors cheering

tired brig, still enjoying his spoils :)
happy halloween!
thanks to brig, best halloween in 5 years!


Cassandra Potter Kemp said...

Freaking love your home made turtle costume, SO cute!
Brig is adorable, I love seeing pictures of him!

Pam said...

Cutest turtle in the universe! So glad you enjoyed the festivities. And duh...Nate makes an awesome shark too! Very creative, Miss Paige! XOXO

Eileen said...

You clever girl, love Brig's costume!!

Chatty Natty said...

Way to go with the costume - he looks so adorable! As for trunk or treats - I think they are super lame and nobody ever goes all out like you did. Bravo to u! And hooray Nate for dressing up.

Tiffany said...

Cutest Halloween costume I have seen yet - amazing!

Unknown said...

Hi - This is totally creepy, I know, but in searching for infant turtle costumes for my son I came across your blog. If there's any chance you're still checking this and have the time, would you mind letting me know how you made this adorable turtle costume?! I'm dying to make something similar for my baby (he'll be 8mo old by Halloween). Thanks! Jessica
