Friday, August 19, 2011

cousin love

I shall now attempt to document the remainder of our summer...
I don't want to forget these moments so I must post even though they are over due.
So back to July....
I have already been worried about Brig's place in the Clark family.
Premature? yes.
But real? yes.
See he arrived in the year of 6 babies on the Clark side
He was the last and the other boys of the 6 were the first.
So his closest boy cousin is a year older or a year younger.
I remember having frustrations over this same type of situation growing up.
Not that is was really that life changing but it did make family reunions a little frustrating and as a Clark we do a lot of family reunion-ing. 
Anyway... fear appeased

Brig is a hit with the 4 year old boy crowd. 
Particularly this little cous' Ace.
It is the most adorable thing.
He literally follows Brig around with his hand on his back as "protector & guide"
At the park, at the pool, at the house. No distraction is more interesting to little Ace-man than Brig.
And really, I'm pretty sure Brig is the most boring cousin. He was such a "parents boy" on our trip to Boise, he hardly lets anyone touch him, and I've said it before... his tricks are limited at the moment.
But having said all that...
He has made it into the "boys club" and I'm one happy momma about that :)

and we sure love having so many cousins.


Eileen said...

I love the last picture!

Pam said...


Sissy said...

What a fun post dedicated to Brig and Ace! And, how awesome that you perfectly captured the picture of Ace hovering over Brig with his hand on his back. TOO ADORABLE! Nice camera skills! We wish we were closer so Ace could be in Brig heaven more often. Give the little guy a smooch for all of us.

Bill Sharma said...

wow those children are so cute and where did you get that photo (that view)?