I really wanted to throw a How to Host Murder party for Halloween this year.
We really need to make efforts at making friends, we never do anything fun for halloween, I like thinking about throwing parties. So we did it.
It was a lot of work, a lot of planning, a lot more money than I was planning, a lot of co-conspiring with Brooke who threw her own party (a major plus to having sisters), and by the time it was the night of I really didn't want to be throwing it.
But afterward? I was thrilled we did.
I was so pleased with how everything turned out and made my Halloween weekend very Haloweenie.
The premise of the game was a engagement party for a ghoulish couple.
All their ghoulish friends we're invited.
So here were the invitations, hand dyed by yours truly.
We had 6 guests and all arrived in fantastic costumes.
But I'm new to this whole party throwing and getting everything served in a hostly manner basically means I only got stage shots. No people.
Nate's mummy costume was a dream too.
The table was spookily set, and each plate had a sinister menu to look over.
We also had the whole house candlelit.
It was very mood setting and picturesque, but visibility wasn't great.
Especially when people had to read words like "candelabra"
I guess if you don't read romance novels the word is lost on you.
(and see our new shelves in the background? I love them.)
Our new shelves/desk played an integral roll in the beverage/dessert service.
And do you see the wee white figure in the background preparing hors d'oeuvres?
That's King Aldrinktothat (nate in mummy costume)
such a pity....
We even spooked our furniture out for the hors d'oeuvres portion
Oh and I guess the world series was on too....
Anyway, I had a grand old time with this.
Next year? Halloween party, no game.
We got bored of it and just read out the results in the end.
But I think we all enjoyed my delicious food and being in costume :)