Thursday, November 3, 2011

Annual Harvest Party

Our nicest friends in these parts, the Ambridge's, throw a Harvest Party every year. They are fantastic hosts and really have the best parties. Yummy soups, the variety a pot-luck brings, their amazing yard, neighbors and friends, and a hay ride? A hit...

Brig's favorite attraction was their playground where he insisted climbing up the ladder 100x,
but the tractor was a close second.
silly boy.

My beautiful friend Amy.
I really doubt I will ever meet a kinder person.

Brig opened and closed the tractor door while it was parked.

Then it was our turn for the hay ride.
This is Brig signing "more" cause he was 'ret to go.

The hay ride took you down to the haunted gazebo in their pasture.
(hauntified by yours truly)
Brig didn't really want to get off the hay ride so Nate dragged him up to get his treats.

Then the fun fall affair was over.
We didn't stay long because we were awaiting the arrival of Brookie but it was perfect.
Sometime short and sweet is.


Eileen said...

I enjoy all your post Paige! Looks like life is good and busy in California!

Unknown said...

Sigh....autumn in wine country...