Saturday, November 12, 2011

utah v cal

Our only Utah game of the season happened the weekend of the black-eye too.
It was a monumental experience taking Brig to his first Utah game. 
He got a pretty decent Utah wardrobe when nannie came to watch him in September so he pretty much wears his colors every Saturday. 
But actually being tat the game in his colors was fantastical.

These daddies with their babes were pretty cute.
for the first quarter that is...

Cleo is such a grown up girl. 
It's funny to think she and Brig are only 3 months apart cause most the time she's acting like she's 3 already. Oh, and she and that daddy are two peas in a pod :)

Cleo was loving a little "B" time.
They shared seats, sippy cups, popcorn, skittles, and all manner of game food.
for the first quarter...

Then Brig got restless and then we found this and then he wouldn't leave for the rest of the game.

I guess it was okay we stayed he a while since the game was a sham.
Really, a stroke of genius for AT&T Park for putting a stationary trolly for my boy to "MMM mmmm" all game in.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Amazing....really. Go Utes! :) XO