Tuesday, November 1, 2011

train town take 2

I really would like to be posting for halloween right now... but back tracking must be done.


Little did we know when Nate found train town and thought it would be a fun family outing that our son would soon become an obsessor of trains. With the end of warm weather approaching, we thought one more visit was absolutely necessary. 

The first spotting of our arriving train.
It is so funny how as parents our whole world has changed axises. Nate and I for one, would never have thought that a 45 min drive to a dingy little train town would be like christmas morning for us
Watching this boy get excited and seeing the joy on his face really makes our world go round.

Brig clapped and cheered when we got seated then promptly started waving "bye bye" and doing the "more" sign.

It is a quick little ride that stops in a "tiny town" with a petting zoo.
Brig loved running through the little houses this visit then boarded the train early of course.

Brig  found the school house to be particularly charming with all the books to look at.

We ended our visit with a ride on the carousel.
As far as rides go, this is as intense of a ride as Brig will do. Actually, it was really impressive that he let his daddy leave his side and was seated on his own horse! And really, I don't think his eyes met mine once even though his daddy pointed me out at every turn.
Our visit was maybe only an hour and half with exploring, train riding, and one carousel ride in the gamut, but it was perfection for this small fry and the big fries even made it home in time (with our favorite hot wings) for the Utah game.
And that my friends, is what we call success.


Unknown said...

Love that Nate looks every bit as happy and excited as Brig! :)

Chatty Natty said...

I second your mama's comment....I couldn't help but grin at Natey's face...ok maybe I laughed a bit and almost the JD Clark "ah-haaaa" laugh.