Monday, October 31, 2011

18 month boy post at 19 months

My beautiful beautiful boy!
Grammy always says she hopes you are a baby just like your daddy because he was such a delightful boy. Well my child, a delightful boy you are indeed.
You are busy, but busy in the way that you try to help with everything I'm doing. Turning the washing machine on and off for me, loading the dishwasher with 15 detergent cubes and then closing the door and trying to turn in on while I'm still loading. Taking your diapers to the garage for me, always opening and closing the garage door for us, helping the dogs drink their water (usually by example), pushing the laundry baskets around the house for me, and loading and unloading your pantry with all the canned goods.  You always want to go "side"(outside). Many mornings you just start driving either your racer or cozy cab into the front door over and over again. Luckily you can't reach the lock on the door yet. You speak an adorable version of what auntie brooke calls caveman. "Uhhhh?" "memememe" and other grunting sounds that your dad and I pretty much speak as well. You do say very clearly however, "daddy" "mom" "doggy" "side" "zip" "gooo" reserved only for sliding and of course the sound for trains "mmmm MMM"

This would be the face for "uhhhh"

You loved the Dr's this month and happily played trains with him which he said "he's definitely not autistic"to but then did question your attention span :)
He had a fishy mobile that he kept blowing for you so he could check you out and now anytime we see something hanging from the ceiling you start blowing.
 officially your stats are:

Height: 82.6 cm 54%
Weight: 27 lbs 4 oz 67%
Head: 50.5 cm 98%
your head shrunk from the last visit so he was pretty sure they measured it wrong :)

you are definitely a tv watcher, like your daddy.
And your terrible pregnant mother has been letting this be an afternoon activity so I can lay down.

but you cuddle me when we do watch tv so it is a terrible double edged sword. rest and cuddles?

oh and you're quite the monkey.
Climbing on everything and loving it.
We took your baby seat off your high chair so now you can "climb" in your own chair.
You love it.

Oh and cars, buses, trucks, trains?
It's like you've died and gone to heaven.
Daddy let you help him clean out his car this particular morning.
We usually go out to say goodbye to daddy and sometimes if your luck you get to drive around the cul-de-sac. 

this is the face that accompanies your train noise 
"mmm MMM"

I'm thinking your such a big boy now. No more babas for you and I have a child that goes to nursery! Oh I love you and love watching you grow, but where did my baby go? You could stay my baby forever you know...
Happy 18 months to you my boy!


Mitch said...

So cute! Love all the pictures. Niall and I are laughing because at the 18-month check-up (at 19 months) for Maragaret a few weeks ago she weighed the same as Brig but is in the 95th percentile. Niall says it's just because we make them bigger in the US.

Pam said...

So Darn Cute!! Can't wait for Thanksgiving so I can smoosh him again. XOXO

Jannie said...

He really is a beautiful boy! (Just don't tell him I called him "Beautiful" when he is older!) :)

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful!!!

Chatty Natty said...

Oh I love him! And I'm so glad that Ezzy resembles such a handsome little man. One thing I've realized with the growth chart percentiles is that boys are much bigger than girls which probably explains the different between Brig and Margaret. Boys are allowed to be weigh more but appear smaller:)

Can't wait to see you all soon!!!!

Tiffany said...

Gosh, he is cute. Great pictures!