Saturday, October 1, 2011

August Reunion

I've reached August
And what starts August off every year?
 A Clark reunion of course!
This year it seemed a little round 2ish after us all having been together in July 
but we still manage to simply have a wonderful time.
I was already behind on blogging at this point and did not do a good job taking pictures so I shall summerize.
There was Lagooning, which was not Brig's cup of tea this year. Thank goodness they have a train.
There was the visit to Snowbasin.
There was swimming, sewing, and the ingestion of yummy food.

Natalie and I have been wanting to do a little sewing projecting and we thought there was room during the reunioning. It was a lovely addition and that is why Brig looks like Huck Finn on mountain day. The little nieces were so excited about what we were creating so he HAD to wear it the next day. Nate was appalled, after pictures I feel similar but those little nieces loved our creations :)

New to this year with the Clark's was accidents.
Unfortunately, I think this is the beginning to a lot more scary accidents.
I mean it's a sheer numbers game at this point.

ahh... the mountains.

these two toe heads.... 

And this?
Abe and Brig bridged the gap.
I see a long and fruitful relationship blossoming.

Ray joined in on bridging the gap as well.
3 cute boys.

One of the best parts of a Clark trip is the girl time/ boy time we get.
At Lagoon we had a prime example of the joy of boy time.
6 boys all lined up for a little shooting competition.
Probably $100 later, and a lot of plush toys
it was for moments like this that Nate will never miss a family reunion.

Our last night we all went to a yummy BBQ joint then headed over to the park across the street for a night of family games. Oh... Clark boys.

 August Reunion 2011 chalked up to be one for the books :)


Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

i like huck finn!! i want one in my size.

Eileen said...

Looks like you had a great summer. Brig... what a handsome boy!!