Monday, March 24, 2008

The Park!

Now I'm sure every body loves where they had their wedding. But I ADORE where mine was held. Memory Grove has to be one of my favorite parks every... it is gorgeous. One good thing about living in a city is that there are beautiful parks. It makes me never want to move from the city. Well when it started thinking about getting warm I decided it was time to go to the park and what better excuse is there than dogs?

My poor dogs have been locked up all winter and not having a yard really cuts into their exercise. They can only run up and down the stair so much you know?

Madame Lucy LOVES the park. The other great thing about city parks is that they are dog friendly and full of dogs. Which is why Lucy loves the park; she loves dogs -- people not so much.

Parks are a new experience for Red since he's only been with us since October. He loves the smells and exploring but he's terrified of other dogs. It so funny, he runs away crying.


Pam said...

I too LOVE Memory Grove and your puppies too!

Pam said...

I can't believe you are going to actually move away with Lucy! :(