Friday, August 29, 2008

2 Years Baby!

Yes... the 24th was our 2 year anniversary! And what a fun two years. I love my man so much and we just have to much fun. Someone not too long ago described the two of us as "young at heart " (as if our age isn't young enough by itself) but I love that about us. I hope we stay young at heart the rest of our lives and never stop laughing with each other.
(Our Groom's dinner)
We've been on our own now for a total of 9 months and it is so nice to take care of each other. I in my ways and Nate in his. When we were going through our AWESOME engagement I remember my dad talking to us one night and telling Nate that I was a 'winner' and that I needed to marry someone with 'W's' by their name (yeah it was one of THOSE Mike talks) but I definitely got a big winner with lots of W's by his name. I think I take for granted what a great guy I got. At this point I think it's normal for him to be #1 in everything but really I know it's NOT. He is an incredibly hard worker and takes GREAT care of us and I know he always will. He is tender and sweet and I love our life. I can't wait till the end of the day so we can hang out. I'm told that if I still want to hang out after two years, it's a good sign I picked the right man. Well here's to two!

(This was the first time Nate met my family, thanks for capturing the moment Kennan)

1 comment:

Pam said...

From where are you blogging??? Congratulations on 2 great years together! In two years you have acquired 2 dogs, gotten two bachelor degrees, lived in two homes in two different cities and had two wedding rings. Way to go, you 2!