Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

Living away from my family for two summers now has made me positive of one thing... Holiday's are not the same without the whole fam. We decided not to go home for the fourth since my sisters were coming out the following week and we'd be back in Utah the first week in August. That left our weekend open. Greg and Carie were nice enough to invite us up to their amazing lake house in Groveland for the weekend. It was a VERY nice alternative even if our dogs were cramping out style... THANK YOU Carie for letting our dogs come too!!
Nate giving the water a try.

Nate and Greg in the lake... although from Nate's body language you would think the water was freezing it was actually quite warm and a very fun swimming area.

Nate and Greg soaking in the rays... Greg didn't last very long in the water once his floatation device popped...ha ha

While I was soaking the rays I spotted this gem... I recall very clearly having an identical floaty suit in red when I was little and floating down the Narrows in Zion suited in it. I think Brooke's might have been yellow... anyway I'm thrilled they're still making these or some people are still keeping the heirlooms usable.
That night they had a fabulous firework show on the lake... So Greg took us out on his boat for a prime location.
Cute,crazy Jayden

My cute boy

mmhmm... just evidence I was present

This was the view directly above our head

I love fireworks


Andrea Ingersoll said...

That's exactly why I couldn't talk Austin into moving this summer. He hates being away from the fam during the summer with all the holidays and activities. It looks like lots of fun though!!

Pam said...

How do we get adopted again??

Pam said...

P.S. I found that picture of you in the narrows the other day. If you want, I could see about getting another floaty for you.... XOXO