Thursday, August 7, 2008

Annual Clark Reunion

Day one of the reunion is always the Lake day.
The Clark's always rent a boat, two jet skis, bring A LOT of floating toys, 3 dozen sandwiches, and lots of snacks for the day. It was a lot of fun this year I just failed to take picture at the actual lake. Anyway... after the lake we all went back to the pool for a surprise birthday part for Coleen.

It was a lovely catered affair that Jon and Greg put together and I think Coleen was almost surprised :)
Of course most of the boys had to get in the pool for flies up (if you can see, Nate isn't in the pic cause he won and was throwing)
And us girls ate Jannie's beautiful cake and watched Coleen open gifts!
Day One definitely a success!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Is that synchronized swimming the Clark boys are doing???