Saturday, December 24, 2011

a little heartbroken

I'm feeling a little heartbroken this Christmas Eve.
We lost our grandma Billie today.
And even knowing everything I know about our Heavenly Father's plan, and how tough these last few months have been for her,  I am still just sad.
Sad that this woman is no longer in my world.
Sometimes its not until someone is gone that you realize what a huge part of your world they are.
She is a woman I will always look up to and will feel the void of her passing each day.
I wish I were with MY mom right now.
I wish I could try be there for her. Because the hole in her heart she described to me today I wish I could help mend. 
But for now, for this Christmas Eve, all I can do is be a little heartbroken because an incredible women who I love is no longer here.

We will miss you Florene Geniveve Berset Ausman
 But I know this Christmas will be your best ever.


Anonymous said...

So very sweet and tender, Paigey. I love you! XOXO

Eileen said...

Sweet thoughts Paige, comforting to your Mom I'm sure.

Mitch said...


Jessica said...

Such sad news, Paige, but she has left one awesome legacy which I'm certain makes her most merry. Hope your Christmas was a beautiful one.