Saturday, April 14, 2012

train party

Oh what a headache this all was... but I am going to document.
We pushed Brig's party back a week cause his parents were sick, only to have the party fall at the end of a pretty good cold for Brig. It was pouring rain that day, but I knew if we changed the party again, it wasn't going to happen, and true to form, this party has been on my mind and 80% planned since January.

So fair warning to all the parents of Brig's cold, and a train party we had!

We did a morning party and really only invited Brig's toddler friends.
So we provided all Brig's favorite snacks for the toddlers:
strawberries, honey oh's, blueberries, yogurts, and cheeeese.
(I also fed the adults salad out of cute take-out containers. no picture)

We set up a coloring station, which no one touched.

Had party hats, which no one wore.

Had a bagillion mini cupcakes, which didn't get finished.

And trains and train toys all around.

It was an incredibly rough party for this little man.
He had woken up at about 5:00 am and fallen asleep on the couch next to daddy watching Toy Story at 9:00 am. He was then awoken by his first guest at 10:00 am and pretty much cried for the first 30 minutes of his party.

The main entertainment for the party was a cardboard train meant for "imaginative play" 
Darling husband stayed up late the night before making this ridiculous dream come true.
It was however, a hit :)
And I never got a real picture of it :(

After a dozen or so cupcakes, Brig's favorite nursery workers arrival, and a few gifts opened, he was a party guy.

My last two cents:
Hosting and photographing do NOT work together :( I did go to a bit of work and there were a lot of cute things going on during the party but I was who knows where and now we have no pictures....
We are chalking this one up as a great success though. He had about 8 of his toddler friends join us on this rainy morning and by 12:30 this momma checked off one of the most important boxes on the before baby arrives list.
Sure love that two year old, train loving boy of mine.

1 comment:

Pam said...

So, so cute....and I'm trying not to be offended that all the projects you had me working on were a flop! j/k :)
Next time have darling husband stick around just to be the photographer. It looks like a success and so much fun. XOXO