Thursday, April 12, 2012


My handsomest boy is two.

And this is a photo of Brig saying two and trying to hold up two fingers.

Oh the wonder at two years old.
It is such a fun age and I am so sorry Brig that I have just been an awful mother lately.
You are deviant and stubborn; lovable and cuddly; a concentrator and ignorer; a wanderer and explorer; a tv kid and phone thief; a bather and early riser.
And all these things make me love you so very much but also make your pregnant momma reach her limit.

This year March was a bummer at our house.
It rained almost all month, ALL three members of this household got terribly sick, and we really didn't do anything fun.
But we did remember your birthday and we did celebrate you!

You got this trike for your birthday and you love it.
At your Dr.'s appointment your stats came in as follows:
Height: 2'11 (71%)
Weight: 30 lbs (73%)
Head: 20.47 (99%)

So you've moved up in the height and weight ranks according to the growth chart.
You did good at your appointment, they had to weigh the dump truck you were carrying around along with you. You remembered from our appointment 6 months ago that you blow at the fishy mobile. I was impressed :)
You played cars very well with the dr. and he seemed pleased with all you other developments, even language .

You still love trains, cars, planes, and anything else of that nature.
You load them up then unload and line them up.
I love it.

You are an eater of fruit, meat, yogurt, cereal, cheese, and crackers.
A lover of soda and gatorade.
Actions figures are the new trains in our house.
The garbage man is the "MAN".
Would love to be outside constantly.
 A "I do it myself" kinda guy.
Eyes for only your daddy.
Must read reader of "The Polar Express" "The Night Before Christmas" and "Tuck Me In".
Already yelling "Nate" and "Paige" :(
Your favorite games are "hide & seek" and "down, set, hike"
Must have all things that resemble a "ball"
Still can spot an airplane miles away.
Redford and Lucy's tormentor.
now your TWO

Your momma and daddy sure love you little man!


Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

Get him over here. It sort of hurts me that I don't get to watch him grow up. He is amazing ... And I miss you guys too much.

Happy happy birthday Briggy!'

Pam said...

Holy smokes...those pictures are ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to see this little man when I come for new baby's arrival. We are going to have a GREAT time together. Love you all! XO